Friday, October 29, 2010

Look Back to Look Forward - part 2

Wow, look at this neat transport timeline we found. Have a talk about some of the different types of transport on it and when they first began. Which type of transport is the most modern? Why do you think this one only began to be developed in the 1900's? Why do you think the different types of transport have changed over the years? What do you think transport will be like in the future? (The dates on the timeline go - 800s 1300s 1600s 1700s 1800s 1900s and present)
Have fun discussing these ideas at home and then don't forget to bring your ideas to school. If you want to bring a family photo or old transport model/artefact then please do. We would also love to receive your ideas and comments via this blog for us to read and share.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Look Back to Look Forward

In the Junior Syndicate we are currently learning about technology and how it has changed over time. The area we are investigating at the moment is TRANSPORT. We have talked about transport, what it is and why we have it, and have also identified lots of different types of transport. We are currently talking about transport of the past, present and future.

We would like you to post comments on transport when you were young. Include information about how you got to school, what type/s of transport you had at home and transport you may have used for holidays. We would also love to hear from grandparents and great grandparents so contact them with this blog address or post a comment for them.

Looking forward to hearing from you all.

Room 3

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Cricket Skills

Room 3 had a great morning learning cricket skills with the fantastic team from Taranaki Cricket. Tim and Amie were excellent teachers, even if they were beaten by us during the challenges, and we are all keen to learn more. Thank you Taranaki Cricket for providing us with this opportunity.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Spring is here!

Today we made daffodils to celebrate Spring. We took a photo of ourselves and put it in the middle of our daffodil. We made the daffodils out of paper and cupcake papers. We think they look amazing!

By Kace and Hannah

My Army Place

I made this army building out of our blue construction set. The wheels spin around and I made sure I put a wheel on every side.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Fire Wise Fire Station Visit

Fitzroy School Junior Syndicate were lucky enough to get to visit Brown Watch at the New Plymouth Fire Station as a follow up to our Fire Wise topic.

The firemen explained all of the different equipment they use to us and dressed up in their rescue equipment so we could see and hear what they would look like if they ever had to come to a fire near us.

We really enjoyed standing on the hose trying to stop it from filling up with water. We gave it our best effort but the water won! One of our highlights was getting to squirt the bucket off the cone using the fire hose. Wow, that was really exciting and produced many smiles and squeals of delight.

Thanks Brown Watch - you guys were awesome!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Coming Soon...

Watch this space for photos of our new classroom. We love the new colours and new layout and we think you will too.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Strike - Strikes Again

Fitzroy School got to enjoy the fantastic Strike percussion group on Friday afternoon. Mr Millar and Mr Goodey had fun showing us their best moves and 'trying' to create music with the group. What a great way to end the week. Tylarae was our photographer for the event and these are two of the great photos she took. Well done Tylarae!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Term 3 - New Class

Wow, Term 3 is about to start and things will be different but still great! Six of the fantastic Room 3 kids are moving to new rooms - we will miss you all but know you will love it in your new rooms, and nine awesome kids from Room 2 will be joining us in Room 3 (well Room 5 physically but Room 3 in heart :-) ). The renovations are looking great and it won't be long before we are moving back into the exciting new Room 3. See you all on Monday.

- Mrs Brown

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Renovations - Wow, things are changing!

The new office and art area and the new entrance from the corridor ... exciting!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

End of Term 2 - Mrs Brown What's happened to our room?

It's the end of Term 2 and Room 3 looks - well boring! All the wall displays are gone, our art is packed up ready to come home and there is nothing left on the shelves. We don't like Room 3 looking like this but we are excited to see what it is going to look like. Bring on the transformation we say!

Let the transformation begin!

The second container arrives - the workmen have to have somewhere to have their cup of tea! Rooms 1,2,3, and 13 looked on with interest.


Wow, the end of term was full on preparing for the exciting renovations that are taking place in the junior block. Photos to come of our 'old' room and there might even be some photo's posted of the ongoing transformations. Keep yourself posted by checking this space and don't forget to make a comment.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Parachute Fun

Room 3 visited Room 11 to watch their skills with the parachute. They demonstrated a routine they had learnt to us and then we were able to join in on the fun. We really enjoyed making the parachute float.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Let's celebrate! I have worked hard to learn my alphabet letter names and sounds. Mrs Brown and I were so excited that we took a photo so we could share my success with everyone.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Rooms 2 & 3 Brilliant Buddy Afternoon

Rooms 2 & 3 had a fantastic afternoon of fun with our buddies from Room 7.
We got to choose between playing rugby, soccer or netball with our buddies.
It was a hard choice but we eventually all settled down to our games.

As you can imagine the rugby was a hard fought game. The juniors showed their buddies just how fast they can be when they run!

The soccer was a muddy but well played game.

Although many of us showed exceptional skills
no-one was going to get the ball past our amazing goalies.

The Room 7 girls did a great job showing us how to play netball.

Once we had a few skills up our sleeves we had a great time trying to get the ball down to our end of the court.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Am I A Guardian Walk

Here are some photos that we have taken on our learning walks for our 'Am I A Guardian?' inquiry. We will be adding more so keep your eyes peeled for our upcoming additions.

Rhythm Interactive

Fitzroy School had an amazing experience with the crew from Rhythm Interactive. Rhythm Interactive added to our knowledge of percussion instruments, and we all had a go at using beat and rhythm in fun and entertaining ways.We had a blast and decided that we are a very talented bunch of percussionists.
You can see a slide-show of our experience here.

Welcome to Room 3's New Blog

Welcome to Room 3. We are a Year 1 class of 16 enthusiastic learners. We hope you enjoy our new blog. Please feel free to comment on our various blogs, we would love your feedback.