Saturday, July 17, 2010

Term 3 - New Class

Wow, Term 3 is about to start and things will be different but still great! Six of the fantastic Room 3 kids are moving to new rooms - we will miss you all but know you will love it in your new rooms, and nine awesome kids from Room 2 will be joining us in Room 3 (well Room 5 physically but Room 3 in heart :-) ). The renovations are looking great and it won't be long before we are moving back into the exciting new Room 3. See you all on Monday.

- Mrs Brown

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Renovations - Wow, things are changing!

The new office and art area and the new entrance from the corridor ... exciting!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

End of Term 2 - Mrs Brown What's happened to our room?

It's the end of Term 2 and Room 3 looks - well boring! All the wall displays are gone, our art is packed up ready to come home and there is nothing left on the shelves. We don't like Room 3 looking like this but we are excited to see what it is going to look like. Bring on the transformation we say!

Let the transformation begin!

The second container arrives - the workmen have to have somewhere to have their cup of tea! Rooms 1,2,3, and 13 looked on with interest.


Wow, the end of term was full on preparing for the exciting renovations that are taking place in the junior block. Photos to come of our 'old' room and there might even be some photo's posted of the ongoing transformations. Keep yourself posted by checking this space and don't forget to make a comment.