Friday, October 29, 2010

Look Back to Look Forward - part 2

Wow, look at this neat transport timeline we found. Have a talk about some of the different types of transport on it and when they first began. Which type of transport is the most modern? Why do you think this one only began to be developed in the 1900's? Why do you think the different types of transport have changed over the years? What do you think transport will be like in the future? (The dates on the timeline go - 800s 1300s 1600s 1700s 1800s 1900s and present)
Have fun discussing these ideas at home and then don't forget to bring your ideas to school. If you want to bring a family photo or old transport model/artefact then please do. We would also love to receive your ideas and comments via this blog for us to read and share.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Look Back to Look Forward

In the Junior Syndicate we are currently learning about technology and how it has changed over time. The area we are investigating at the moment is TRANSPORT. We have talked about transport, what it is and why we have it, and have also identified lots of different types of transport. We are currently talking about transport of the past, present and future.

We would like you to post comments on transport when you were young. Include information about how you got to school, what type/s of transport you had at home and transport you may have used for holidays. We would also love to hear from grandparents and great grandparents so contact them with this blog address or post a comment for them.

Looking forward to hearing from you all.

Room 3

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Cricket Skills

Room 3 had a great morning learning cricket skills with the fantastic team from Taranaki Cricket. Tim and Amie were excellent teachers, even if they were beaten by us during the challenges, and we are all keen to learn more. Thank you Taranaki Cricket for providing us with this opportunity.